Players shall not use audible obscenity within the precinct of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized as the tournament director and/or referee determines. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, audible obscenity is defined as the use of words commonly known and understood to be profane and uttered clearly and loudly enough to be heard by Court Officials or spectators.
Players shall not make obscene gestures of any kind within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, visible obscenity is defined as the making of signs by a player with his/her hands and/or racquet or balls that commonly have an obscene meaning.
Players shall not at any time verbally abuse any official, opponent, spectator, or other person within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties below. For the purposes of this Rule, verbal abuse is defined as a statement about an official, opponent, sponsor, spectator, or other person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory, insulting or otherwise abusive.
Players shall not at any time physically abuse any official, opponent, spectator, or other person within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, physical abuse is the unauthorized touching of a Court Official, opponent, spectator, or other person.
Players shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick, or throw a tennis ball within the precincts of the tournament site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point during a match (including warm-up). If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up) the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally or recklessly hitting a ball out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences.
Players shall not violently or with anger hit, kick, or throw a racquet or other equipment within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of racquets or equipment is defined as intentionally and violently destroying or damaging racquets or equipment or intentionally and violently hitting the net, court, umpire’s chair, or other fixture during a match out of anger or frustration.
Players shall at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and give due regard to the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and others. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalized. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behavior” and shall be subject to additional penalties. For the purposes of this Rule, Unsportsmanlike Conduct is defined as any misconduct by a player that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the Competition, the tournament premises, or the sport of beach tennis. In addition, unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the giving, making, issuing, authorizing, or endorsing any public statement having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the tournament and/or the officiating thereof.